Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Walid Bechkit is/was reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, Ad-Hoc Networks Journal, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, IEEE ICC 2013, IEEE WCN 2014.

  • Walid Bechkit is in charge of seminar organization at the CITI laboratory.

  • Khaled Boussetta is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE GlobeCom, IEEE MASS, IEEE VTC (fall/Spring), Wireless Days, Med-Hoc-Net, ICCVE, GIIS.

  • Khaled Boussetta organized two technical sessions at University of Paris 13, one on Optimization for Networks in July 2013 and a second on Cloud Networks in October 2013.

  • Marco Fiore was co-chair at IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days'13 for the Track Wireless Models and Simulation.

  • Marco Fiore is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE SECON 2013/2014, IEEE WoWMoM 2013/2014, IEEE Globecom 2014, IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE VTC-Fall 2013.

  • Hervé Rivano is TPC member of several international conferences, including IEEE IPDPS 2014 and IEEE ICC 2014.

  • Hervé Rivano is elected member of the CITI laboratory council.

  • Razvan Stanica was Local co-chair of IEEE WiMob 2013.

  • Razvan Stanica was Session chair for a Networking track session at IEEE WiMob 2013.

  • Razvan Stanica is/was TPC member for a number of international conferences, including IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE PIMRC 2013, IEEE VTC Spring/Fall 2013.

  • Razvan Stanica is/was reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Ad-Hoc Networks Journal, IEEE Communications Magazine, Springer Wireless Networks, Vehicular Communications Journal.

  • Fabrice Valois was General co-chair of IEEE WiMob 2013.

  • Fabrice Valois is/was TPC member for several international conferences such as: IEEE AINA, IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC, IEEE VTC, IEEE WCNC, IARIA SensorComm, IEEE WiMob.

  • Fabrice Valois is in charge of the foreign affairs of the CITI laboratory.

  • Fabrice Valois is correspondent member of the CITI laboratory for the Labex IMU.

  • Fabrice Valois is elected member of the CITI laboratory council.